OCFSA Overview

The OCFSA was formed in 1913 and organized in 1927, under the name Orange County Firemen’s Association. In 1996 OCFSA changed our name to the Orange County Fire Services Association. Our mission was to establish and maintain a Fire Museum which has been establishment as a different nonprofit organization named The California Fire Museum/ Safety Learning Center which OCFSA actively supports financially and with a Board Member. We continue our primary responsibilities for the Orange County Fire Services Monument and Annual Firefighter Memorial Service, Big John Fire Prevention Education Program, Quarterly Orange County Firefighting Magazine, 10 Year Fire Service Annual Book. We are a 501 C-3 nonprofit organization.


OCFSA produces a quarterly magazine to keep our county informed of the services we provide.


Talking fire engine program talks about Stop, Drop and Roll, caution about playing with matches, crawling low under fire, how a smoke alarm sounds, and more!


Join us for our Annual Memorial Service for the fallen firefighters and other rescue personal.

Blast From the Past: 1945 Seagrave & 1928 American La France

Serving Our Community

Established in 1913, the purpose of the Association is to educate the public, improve community relations and participate in city projects and activities all aimed at making Orange County a better, safer place to live.  Protecting your business, employees and neighbors from fire is a tough and highly hazardous job. No community ever knows when fire may break out causing injury, destruction and loss of life. Please considering sponsoring or donating to help us reach more adults and children.